Recently they got a streamyx uni pack, for students studying at local college/university. It's a package where you can get a free WiFi modem, up to 4Mbps, and a FREE HP NetBook!
TM's customer service is great too. Even though the waiting is kinda slow and all (being on hold, waiting for my turn at TM Point), but once they're serving you, you can feel their sincerity, politeness, and efficiency.
Watched Toy Story 3 with Stephanie and Grace last Wednesday. Had popcorn and fries at McD after the movie, got a sore throat the next day.
I love the movie. It's beautiful. :) Love the story.
Reminded me of my toys and my childhood. All the stuffs that has sentimental value to me. Toys that were given to me, toys that I bring around every where I go in my pocket, and other stuffs like tshirts, books, etc.
It also teaches me to let go of some stuffs and move on. Some stuffs that are gone, I should let go and move on.
Learned stuffs like loyalty and trust between friends, and what's the best for everyone.
I almost cried when they all hold hands preparing to die when they're in the garbage disposal factory.
After a few months of no exercise, I finally decided to go swimming again.
Recently I keep hearing people telling me I'm fat, well, now it's time for me to get back in shape... Hopefully I'll succeed in losing some fat. Maybe build some muscles too! :D I'll ask some tips for my friend Wee Kiat (Fabodylous Blog), he's the muscle guy.
I wonder how long it'll take me to lose some weight and people to notice that I've lost weight...
Yesterday I dreamt of my ex-gf. She had a butterly tattoo on her chest and a row of tattoo on her belly, with names and symbols that represent her friends. My name was not there, haha. I felt like having a tattoo for myself, but when I woke up, heh, it’s just a dream, I don’t want anything permenant stuck on my beautiful skin. :p
I also had another dream, that I’m a special agent, killer or spy, I’m not sure. And I got a message from a female agent asking me to meet her at her hideout castle. I snoop around her castle, had hand to hand combat with her. It was fun. :)
I'm an iSlave now. Playing with my iPod touch 70% of the time I'm awake. :p
Thanks to Ludwig, I have tons of games on my iPod for me to waste my time on. :D
Also, with wifi, I can check my emails, facebook, Twitter, msn and online gaming. It can almost replace my computer. The only time I on my computer is when I need to do my homework or work.
I've never paid much attention to The Beatles band. I know they have some very popular songs, heard some of them, but I didn't know they have such weird lyrics. I've stumbled on a youtube video today, a song by Beatles, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, animation by someone else, it kinda shows that how crazy/weird/high the Beatles are.
Album: Abbey Road
Lyrics: Joan was quizzical; Studies pataphysical Science in the home. Late nights all alone with a test tube. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Maxwell Edison, majoring in medicine, Calls her on the phone. "Can I take you out to the pictures, Joa, oa, oa, oan?"
But as she's getting ready to go, A knock comes on the door.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon her head. Clang! Clang! Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that she was dead.
Back in school again Maxwell plays the fool again. Teacher gets annoyed. Wishing to avoid an unpleasant Sce, e, e, ene,
She tells Max to stay when the class has gone away, So he waits behind Writing fifty times "I must not be So, o, o, o.."
But when she turns her back on the boy, He creeps up from behind.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon her head. Clang! Clang! Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that she was dead.
P. C. Thirty-one said, "We caught a dirty one." Maxwell stands alone Painting testimonial pictures. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Rose and Valerie, screaming from the gallery Say he must go free (Maxwell must go free) The judge does not agree and he tells them So, o, o, o.
But as the words are leaving his lips, A noise comes from behind.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon his head. Clang! Clang! Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that he was dead.
Whoa, oh, oh Silver hammer Man
---------------------------------------------------------- The Beatles is now one of my favourite bands. :) Gonna check out more of their songs.
3 tooth came loose, and I pulled them out. The teeth has cavity... It was scary, black colour... :(
The first thing I wanted to do when I woke up was to brush my teeth. Haha. ('Cause sometimes I'm too lazy to brush them at night and went to sleep... :P ) But, since it was middle of the night, I was too lazy to get up and I went back to sleep.
The last time he took my CD player and CD. I suspect it's the same guy because he broke the same window. Only this time, I've got alarm for my car, and the burglar ran away.