today's the second time i donated blood. i'm always nervous when there's needles. although i'm not as nervous as the first time i donate blood, the youth made me nervous... they're kinda noisy and daniel were like superstars, they were there looking at us, like we're some extraterestials, or some zoo animals...
i dare not look at the needle when the nurse put the needle into my veins. there's a little pain. but, i'm still afraid. what if she put it in, and there's no blood coming out? then she'll have to take out the needle and put into my veins again? what if she broke my veins? but all went well...
i finished earlier than daniel. he actually sat on that recliner earlier than me, and the nurse attend to me first, and my blood came out faster than his. maybe it's because of the youths that's making me nervous... they keep asking and saying "why is your blood black?", it was just very dark red, "why is there 2 colours in your blood?", "your blood is warm." and they keep touching my blood packet...
today is my grandma's 75th birthday! we had dinner together with all our uncles, aunts, cousins at night. the food was quite nice. everyone had a good time.